Monthly themes and events

Where we discuss special monthly themes/events/mini-challenges

May Vegetarian Bento Contest Voting: Round One, Group A

Over 80 entries were submitted to the Vegetarian Bento contest! It's pretty hard to look at so many bentos all at once, let alone judge them!

So, I've decided to divide them into groups, in the order they were submitted. The top two of each group will go on to Round Two, and so on, until we have the Last Bento Standing...I mean, one winner!

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I think I've sort of failed you in April...suggestions for May?

Well, due to my poor planning, April has not been very frugal at all for me, bento or otherwise. Due to that poor planning I've been travelling back and forth from Switzerland to France, not having access to a kitchen for half the month, which sort of hampered my bento making to put it mildly.
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Frugal Bento Month: How much have you saved?

As part of Frugal Bento Month, I've posted a simple challenge: Keep track of what you're saving by bringing bentos for lunch instead of buying lunch. I thought it might be fun to total up everyone's savings. So, use this thread to let us know how much you've saved (weekly or at the end of the month), and I'll total it up at the end of April!
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