Presentation and instructions for a complete bento
Bento Contents:
Total calories for breakfast (approx): 285
Total calories for lunch (approx): 380 (how calories are calculated)
Time needed: 5-10 minutes in the morning - mainly just packing things up (You could pack the whole bento the night before; this bento will not suffer much in quality.)
Type: Vegetarian, not Japanese, 2-in-1
Bento contents:
Total calories (approx): 390 (how calories are calculated)
Time needed: 10-15 minutes in the morning
Type: Vegan, Japanese, rather macrobiotic
Time needed: 10-15 minutes in the morning (you could cut this down by making some things in advance)
Type: Salad!
Total calories (approx): 450 (how calories are calculated)
Time needed: 15-20 minutes in the morning (you could cut this down by making some things in advance)
Type: Japanese, chicken, Bento Challenge!
Total calories (approx): 420 (how calories are calculated)
Time needed: 10-15 minutes
Type: Vegan and gluten-free, relying on stock and frozen vegetables
Total calories (approx): 515 (how calories are calculated)
Type: Leftovers!
Total calories (approx): 480 (how calories are calculated)
Time needed: Way too long! (About 2 hours)
Type: Japanese, kyaraben/charaban, special occasion, Homage to The Kitty
Total calories (approx): 440 (how calories are calculated)