
Come on in and introduce yourself!

G'Day from Australia (Another Aussie!)

I hate that word! G'day... I am a mum of 2 little ones. They're around 11 months apart, and yes I have my hands full. My oldest Daughter, Asuka-Marie is 15 months old, and is a cheeky little monkey! While my little boy, Danté, is only just 3 months and a grizzly bear! (Asuka is pronounced As-kah with a breathy 'u' in between, and it is Japanese!)

Lo from Slovenia

Lo from Slovenia. Just found about bentos recently and just now finished eating my first one ;) Must say I love it.

Though as I'm lazy as hell in the morning I prep mine in the evening.

So what I had today you ask?

Some sticky rice(finally managed to get some sushi rice around here), left over chicken breast(re-marinated in teryaki, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil and some other spices), 1/4 of a zucchini sliced ~1cm thick and quickly sauted for about 30s on each side just to get it heated through and through, and a bit of fresh salad added in the morning.

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And another Newbie from Germany

Hello everybody :) I joined this site a few minutes ago and thought I should introduce myself frist so u will get to know me a bit better. Well my name is Franzi and I am a 20 year old girl from the south of Germany. I am still at school and will graduate next year. Most of my free time I sepnd with friends, listen to music, went shopping, love to do swaps and so on. Just pretty normal stuff *lol*

Guten Tag from Germany

Hello everybody! Being boring as I am I couldn't think of a fancy titel, and just followed the mainstream. I stumbled over bento making a few days ago, when me and a few friends decided to skip the cafeteria for good now. I'm a full time university student, and spent most of my time working on either my master thesis or my job as an assistant researcher to a professor. Both those things combined equal lots of time spent at university, and zero time to eat. And our cafeteria starts to get boring - after four years of living here, the foods starts to come out of my ears.
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G'day from Australia

Hi all! I'm yygall, a student currently studying in Canberra, Australia. I discovered Just Hungry after seeing nikujaga and hayashi rice appear one too many times in my favourite Japanese shows, and decided to try and make it myself. That was almost a year ago, and justhungry and justbento have started a new infatuation with food blogs. Thank you, maki-san!

Excited to be new here

aloha!! I am Caroline, right now I am living on the mainland in Ventura, CA, but will be moving permanently to No. Shore , Oahu. I can't tell you how excited to find all of son is at Waseda Univ. right now but will be coming home in July (actually I will be going to japan for 10 days in July to help bring him home). He wants to continue to eat like he has the past year, so I am starting from scratch and will need ALOT of help. This website was truly a God send. I have read so much just this day but I still have a very basic question, that I can't seem to understand: Rice!!!!


Hi Maki-san, I am so happy to of discovered both your blogs. I was on a very long hiatus from packing healthy and satisfying lunches. I was spending way too much much money while consuming empty calories. You and your content contributors have inspired me and I'm looking forward to creating some fun yet healthy bentos. Thanks, DL (hapa bento)
