
Other bento stuff.

I know many people who follow this blog are interested in Japan. I've been translating Japanese news reports on my Twitter account for some hours now, and will try to do so for at least the rest of the day. If you'd like to follow along please follow @makiwi.

Update: I am still updating the news on my Twitter stream. If you want to do something, please consider donating to the Red Cross. In the U.S., you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to the international relief fund for Japan. Elsewhere or if you want to donate another way, try the International Red Cross site at IRFC.ORG.

Another update: Please read this.

Great Bento Ideas: Colorful charaben for Hinamatsuri (Girl's Festival)

mihochin-hinabento-1.jpg This week I've selected some Hinamatsuri, or Girl's Festival (Girl's Day) decorative bentos for your viewing pleasure.

Great Bento Ideas: One box, infinite bentos


All you really need is one bento box....

Great Bento Idea: Udon noodles with meat sauce and a 2-for-1 flower

Terriyaki Pork Noodle Bento

After a brief hiatus due to my crazy schedule, the Great Bento Ideas series highlighting bentos from the bento blogging community is back!

The Just Bento Cookbook is featured as this week's Cook The Book over on Serious Eats! You can check out some recipes from the book, starting with these Tofu Nuggets with Edamame, which are even vegan! (Meat eaters do not fear, they are really tasty if I do say so myself.) The recipe has been field-tested by Caroline of SE, so read her comments to see what she thought about them. Plus, they're giving away 5 copies of the book! I am proud to be counted as a Friend of SE (I visited their World HQ in New York a couple of weeks ago), and it's an honor to be featured there. Go over there and check it out - and if you haven't gotten a copy of the book yet, you may get lucky, so go over there and give it a go!

A note about the Salade Niçoise Bento

You would think that I would have spotted this earlier, but no....the book has gone to 4 printings already and I just spotted it last night ><. Fortunately it's not a really critical error, unlike the one in the Muffin recipe (which was corrected in time for the 2nd printing, hooray!) but if you are watching your calories, it is something worth watching out for.

So, here it is...

Back from the book tour!


I have been back from my US mini-book tour for a week now. I'm still rather jetlagged, but I'm really happy to have met so many wonderful people! I only got to visit New York and Seattle, and wish I could have done more, but considering that this was my First Book Tour Ever, and that before I embarked on it I was frankly scared to death, I think it went really well.

(Incidentally, the book has been out of stock for ages on Amazon, but is now back in stock again! Go go go before it sells out again! ^__^;)

So, here are just a few photos
