Believe it or not, Just Bento is back!

It's been a very long time - years, in fact. But, the site has finally been revamped from the ground up. It now displays properly on mobile devices without having to pinch and zoom, and it should hopefully be a bit easier and faster to navigate.
There are some changes to the site, and some things may be a bit hard to find. However, all the bento how-tos and other important information is now accessible via the main menu, as are the recipes.
There are two big changes I had to make:
- The forum is gone. The content that was posted in the forums is still there -- you can find them via search, or via the categories in the sitemap; however, the functionality is no longer there. The forum part of the site was just too unwieldy, both in terms of system resources and the amount of time it took me to administer it, even though I had some wonderful moderators helping me out. I just feel that given the changing landscape of the internet, where people are congregating on the major social media sites to discuss things, it didn't make sense to keep running and maintaining a forum.
If you miss (or even remember!) the old forum, I do now run a Facebook Group, which is about general Japanese culture and food, but is of course open to bento fans too. You will notice that you have to answer some questions to join - for the second one which is basically freeform, you may want to mention that you used to be a member of the forum here, and I can approve you right away. - Comments have been disabled. I may install something like Facebook Comments or Disqus...or I may not. Again, it is a matter of the time I can spend on all this. ^_^; I would much rather be writing and adding new articles than bothering with comment spam and more. (And just in case you are wondering, why don't I hire someone? I wish I could afford to.) For new articles I will be posting a link to the relevant post on my Facebook Page or Twitter to discuss it. I had to delete more than 70,000 spam comments on old entries on the old version of the site...and you know, I would rather not deal with that.
I will continue tweaking the site to make it easier to use. And new articles will be coming too! For now though, I hope you enjoy the new look, new structure Just Bento.
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