The forum going forward

Bronwyn and Courtney, First of all, I wanted to say, THANK YOU!! For being such great moderators! You've really kept the forum in great shape! I wasn't sure how the forum would do, but it's been quite successful I think, and I do plan to keep it open after the Bento Challenge is over. We may do simpler Challenges or sort of mini-workshops down the line (I was thinking of for instance something just for vegans, or a diet-bento-sprint before the summer season starts here in the northern hemisphere, etc.) Do you have any ideas for the forums, content-wise or technically-wise (if that's a word)? Also, are you happy with continuing as moderators? (I hope you are ^_^) Do we need more help? (The other person who volunteered never showed up, so I de-powered her.) Tangentially, the reader/traffic numbers for Just Bento as a whole have grown at an almost alarming rate - the RSS subscriber number is up to almost 59000 last time I checked for instance. I just hope the server doesn't explode when I'm on the road in March!